Wednesday, October 8, 2008


In a recent post by my partner she mentioned no longer using bottle water because that positively affects the environment. You all know about less plastic in land fills. But this and another articles in Newsweek has me thinking about how much water we really need each day. It seems every where you go now people are carrying around water, How did this trend get started. I found the answer!

"You should drink at least eight glasses of water a day. The source for this myth may be a 1945 article from the National Research Council that claims that a "suitable allowance" of water for adults is 2.5 liters a day, although the last sentence of the article notes that much of that water is already contained in the food we eat. Existing studies suggest that that often-omitted fact is key to understanding water intake. We get enough fluids from our typical daily consumption of juice, milk and even caffeinated drinks. And drinking too much water can cause water intoxication, a severe electrolyte imbalance in which cells swell with excess fluid, and even death"
So the suggested water intake left out the fluid in the food we eat and also that and fluids counted, not just water. What i find most fascinating about this is how strongly people feel about this. As we can see from this comment
Comment: I love how the writer of this article attempts to debunk the need to drink "8 glasses of water per day" by saying "we get enough water from juice, milk, and caffeinated drinks" (aka sodas and energy drinks. I can just picture the fat-out of shape person that the writer is just by that. Instead, you should REPLACE all the juice (sugar+ empty calories), milk (hormone-laden), and soda (filled with caffeine and CARBONATED water) that Americans are used to drinking with water. "
I think this person needs a hug and a beer. I didn't know that talk of beverages could upset someone so much. She, I'm guessing the writer is a she, has a problem with every type of beverage. True juice may be "sugar and empty calories" but it obviously supplies much needed fluid. Also no where in this one little paragraph did it say to give up drinking all water which is what the person commenting seemed to have gotten from it. I going to stop writing for the night and go back to my diet pepsi without guilt, after all it is fluid.

1 comment:

Kerri said...
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