Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Put 'em up, Put em' up! Challenge Topic - Children on the phone

Ok, So Not The Mom. I challenge you!
Topic - Talking to Children on the phone.
You all know the drill, you're talking to a friend on the phone, their child is bugging your friend to let them have the phone. They of course do and the conversation goes something this...
You - "Hi (insert child's name here), how are you?"
Child - "Hi! I blah blah blah blah" a senseless string of inaudible words
You - "Ok honey, nice talking to you put mommy back on the phone"
Child - "Blah blah blah poopy hahahaha"
You - "Ok, that's great, let me talk to mommy"
Child - "blah blah blah"
This goes on for a bit usually ending in some kind of screaming or not, depends on the age of the child.

As a mom I have to deal with my daughter doing one of two things, either interrupting me when I'm on a phone call or wanting to talk to whomever is on the phone. We as moms think our kids are the most adorable things on earth, especially when they speak. Every once in awhile I will indulge her and let her talk on the phone, usually not for very long but enough to say hi to the person on the other end. I think in short spurts and in moderation this is ok. This is always ok when talking to a grandparent. I think that a mom rule generally should be to allow it if the person on the other end loves children, especially yours, allow it if your child can speak intelligibly, allow it if it is relaying their first words to someone who wants to know, and finally, do not allow it if the child starts demanding to talk on the phone. At that point tell you friend you will call them back after you deal with the situation and get control of your little devil.

So Not The Mom, what are your thoughts when people put their children on the phone in the midst of a conversation?

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