Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Kid's on the phone

Ok, I do run into the kid on the phone thing a lot. But here is the worst scenario.
parent- say hello to Susie
(we'll call her Susie to protect the innocent child who used to be forced into this scenario all the time).
me - hi Susie
Susie - silence (pant, pant, pant)
me - hi
Susie - (pant, pant, pant)
I am now the recipient of an obscene phone call from a toddler
me - put daddy back on the phone
Susie - (pant, pant, pant)
I know Susie can talk, I've heard her talk before, but she never talks on the phone and her father puts her on every time I call
me - please put daddy on the phone
Susie - (pant, pant, pant)
Finally after about five minutes of heavy breathing her father would come back. It wasn't even a case of not being able to understand her, she just didn't understand what the phone was for.
If your going to have your child talk to someone on the phone stay with them, prompt them on what to say and how to use the phone. It's not a strange talking block. But please never leave your children alone with the phone, or else the above scenario happens.
Rob had an interesting idea of how to deal with this. When his brother would put his niece on the phone Rob would respond by putting the phone near our evil dog Wolfgang who will bark at anything. This was mildly amusing at first, but it too had gone bad in it's own way. Now our niece at the age of about 7 insist on speaking to Wolfgang using speaker phone. worse then listening to just me dog bark now I hear a child barking back at him long distance.
At times kids on the phone can be funny. I love being on the phone with Kerri and listening to Paige try to have a conversation with her whether Kerri wants to listen to her or not. Sorry moms I know it probably drives you crazy, but on my end of the phone it's funny. It's actually really funny.

1 comment:

Jen Booth said...

Rachel...I will remember to have my dogs call your dogs...and we will leave the kids out of it.....LOL