Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

"I want my DDT"

This post comes from the extremely non-maternal environment of trapeze class. One of my instructors' apartments is currently infested with bedbugs. You all know about these evil little creatures that live in beds and couches and THEY BITE! As in "don't let the bed bugs bite". So this poor circus person was going to have to throw out her bow spring and some of her other furniture do to these nasty little bugs. She wouldn't have to do that though if we could have DDT back. Bedbugs has been eradicated in the US for 50 years thanks to that miracle chemical. 50 bug free bite free years. but it was taken off the market because we have to think of the children, who by now also must be getting bit. This is when someone in the class said the most non-maternal phrase ever "if your kid is so weak that they can be taken out with bug spray maybe it's a problem with your kid and not the DDT". I admit it this cracked me up.

At no point here am I advocating spraying the bug spray on children, that would be cruel and probably considered abuse. But maybe we could compromise by allowing the stronger chemicals to be used in areas where there aren't children. I'd be all for spraying my house with the strongest stuff you could find. I also know that a lot of us grew up in areas where they sprayed for bugs all the time and we lived, hey we may even be stronger for it.

OK I am off my soap box, moms feel free to rip my theory apart