Friday, January 21, 2011

I’m A Horrible Person Who Is Addicted to Really Bad T.V.

Lately I find myself watching certain T.V. shows just to see the worst performances any show has to offer. American Idol started this week. I’m not a fan. I only watch the audition parts of the show. I do this not to see the good performances, I want to see the train wrecks! The best is when the person thinks they are really good and when they are told they aren’t good they cry and swear that the judges don’t know anything. It’s my favorite part.
When did this fascination with the worst of talent shows start? It started with the auditions of America’s Got Talent. I came across the show a few season’s ago and was hooked when I saw a guy in a silver pair of shorts and angel wings. He was on stage balancing things on his face in all of his sparkly splendor. The best part is that he came back to audition a second time the next year. You can see him on you tube, Leonid the magnificent. He was so serious, but what made it funny was the outfit and his shock that the judges didn’t like it. Precious.
I’m not the only person fascinated by this, I’m just willing to admit it. If you type in worst of and then the name of any talent show, hundreds of videos come up. You can actually spend hours online just watching the worst auditions. So after watching the first 2 episodes of this season I have to say that I’m bummed that there hasn’t been one stand-out horrible audition, there were bad ones, just not a true memorable train wreck. But, I can continue to hope and watch again next week.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Holy crap, we only had 3 posts last year!

Wow, we really have failed our readers.  You can thank Rachel for me finally get a post up in rebuttal of her post (see post below).  She has seriously called me 100x a day asking me when I was going to do it. 

Sorry again about last year.  It was a very, very busy year! 

So kudos to Rachel for pushing us back and thanks to Amy for asking where we've been!

Cheers to an eventful and interesting 2011!

Healthy Eating Rebuttal

ok, whatever, at least I feed you, ya mooch!  The only meal I could make for Rachel that would satisfy her would be bacon on top of steak on top of a hamburger.  Hey, I also make really yummy, tasty food too.  Not everything HAS to be healthy.  See...feeding Rachel at my house is much like how I have to feed my 3 year old son.  I make whatever it is that we want even if I know it's something he won't like and then I make sure that there's at least one thing he will eat.  I figure I'll just keep putting it out there and eventually he'll eat it.  and that actually works.  his palette grows every day.  My daughter is a really good eater, loves all veggies and fruits and actually does like meat Rachel.  Steak, chicken, pork, fish, turkey.  It's that little guy that's a pain with meat.  The only meat he would eat was in the form of a chicken nugget or a fish stick.  He finally ate turkey lunch meat (natural without nitrates of course) and I have fed it to him almost every day just to be sure I wasn't dreaming!  This after giving him turkey sandwiches for a very long time.  So when Rachel eats at my house of course I'm sure that there's always a vegetable, maybe eventually she'll eat it.  and I always make sure she can pick around whatever she doesn't like.  I'm actually considerate and what do I get for it.  Nothing but grief!  It's like having a teenage daughter :)
Yep, I like to eat healthy and we all take our vitamins.  I also like to drink red wine in large quantities, love chocolate and caramels, and I can't even buy cheez-its because I will eat the whole frick'in box.  So eating healthy is just to balance out all the crap I do.
Maybe my kids will be healthy eaters their whole lives or maybe they will rebel and eat like crap the second they are out of my house.  I don't force them, they actually like everything they eat. 
For the record, quinoa and quinoa flakes taste good and even Jimmy likes it, so there!

p.s. it's "udders", not utters. ptttttthhhhhh!  very funny though...tiny almond udders.  teehee!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quinoa And Other Foods I Didn't Know About And Wouldn't Eat Anyway

First of all lets start with the basic premise that i eat like a 10 year old. if i can't identify it, i'm not touching it. if it's green i'm not touching it. if it's sugar i'm eating loads of it. that being said going to kerri's house is always a new and strange experience in food and has been since before she had kids.
First of all lets start with the basic premise that i eat like a 10 year old. if i can't identify it, i'm not touching it. if it's green i'm not touching it. if it's sugar i'm eating loads of it. that being said going to kerri's house is always a new and strange experience in food and has been since before she had kids.
i will start with the first time i heard her talk about making a smoothie. to me a smoothie is a simple thing, a true cousin of the milkshake. the ingredients are ice, fruit, sweetened yogurt, and honey to make it sweeter, blend together and delicious sweet drinkable treat. the first time i saw her make one it involved most of those things plus flaxseed oil, some kind of aloe vera juice and protein powder. now the smoothie has been destroyed, it is no longer a cousin of the milkshake, it is some odd healthy power drink, yuck!
so if that was prior to the children what happens after? pasta, a simple food, just a vehicle for sauce really. not kerri's. it is not just whole grain pasta but it also has 17 grams of protein per serving. now i get it, her kids won't eat much meat so you have to sneak in protein where you can and she's right it doesn't taste bad, but who even thinks to look for fortified pasta. i also learned at her house that almond milk comes in chocolate, i didn't know you could milk and almond. they must have really tiny utters.
which brings us to the quinoa, which i had to look up the spelling of. after she explained multiple times what it was and how good it was for you and that it was a good breakfast cereal in the form of quinoa flakes that's when i grossed out. but maybe i'm to blame for driving her to this drastic breakfast solution. she doesn't like oatmeal and she can barely even say farina since watching me vomit it up as a kid, ahhh memories. so i went home from her house and did what any good friend would do, try to find out that the whole quinoa thing was bullshit. here is the result of that reseach, kerri is eating a good mormon breakfast! yes quinoa is an anchient grain founf in the andes mountains, it's a relative of the tumbleweed, and it is crap nutritionally. enter the mormons. on there missions to the area the mormons realized the people in the area were malnurished but not much will grow in the andes except quinoa so they took the plant to byu and through the wonders of genetic engineering there is now the current quinoa which is full of nutrients to help the indiginous population in the andes mountains and to sell at whole foods. i'm still not eating it!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

TO 2011

I was out with friends tonight, which is always a good way to spend a New Years Eve. You know swapping funny old stories and talking about future hopes and plans. One of Kerri's friends made an interesting comment about the fact that our blog seems to have stopped. It's true we have both been lazy and preoccupied. Everyone knows how this goes, she is busy with a family to raise and I just spend a lot of time upside down. So what does this all mean?

I think it may be time to make the first New Year's resolution of my life and i challenge Kerri to add it to her what must be an extensive excel spreadsheet of resolutions. We must revive our blog! However in order to do this I want help a little help from my friends. let us know what your reading about, thinking about or are interested in. You all know I am willing to do excessive reseach especially if it means I get to prove a theory wrong. Also know that either one of us may use ideas from interactions from anyone we know for inspiration for the site, hey if you want it to be good and relavant we need material. Also for the sake of comedy I promise to exploit my family also. I also promise to always change names to protect the inocent.

So I'm hoping that you will hear a lot more from me and hopefully Kerri also this year!
Happy New Year!