Saturday, January 1, 2011

TO 2011

I was out with friends tonight, which is always a good way to spend a New Years Eve. You know swapping funny old stories and talking about future hopes and plans. One of Kerri's friends made an interesting comment about the fact that our blog seems to have stopped. It's true we have both been lazy and preoccupied. Everyone knows how this goes, she is busy with a family to raise and I just spend a lot of time upside down. So what does this all mean?

I think it may be time to make the first New Year's resolution of my life and i challenge Kerri to add it to her what must be an extensive excel spreadsheet of resolutions. We must revive our blog! However in order to do this I want help a little help from my friends. let us know what your reading about, thinking about or are interested in. You all know I am willing to do excessive reseach especially if it means I get to prove a theory wrong. Also know that either one of us may use ideas from interactions from anyone we know for inspiration for the site, hey if you want it to be good and relavant we need material. Also for the sake of comedy I promise to exploit my family also. I also promise to always change names to protect the inocent.

So I'm hoping that you will hear a lot more from me and hopefully Kerri also this year!
Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello there! I love the concept of this blog because I was the "not-so-mom" that (gasp!) had a kid! I can relate to both of you and can't wait to keep reading!