Thursday, October 2, 2008

Chemicals are our Friends

I sent an email to Kerri earlier today about an article on Newsweek that was about reducing chemicals in the home. A lot of people think this is a great idea, I don't. Chemicals are our friends, so I was actually lurking making fun of the people who posted comments after the article. This one really caught my attention
"Comment : I have done away with all fluoridated toothpaste and anti-perspiranats which contain aluminum, also any product which contains High Fructose Corn Syrup. I also have been using white vinegar to clean and baking soda to scrub the sinks and tub"
This is the last person I want to be near in a crowd. Aluminum makes deodorant work. It keeps people from offending others. It holds precious Diet Pepsi. It truly is a magic substance that we shouldn't reject. Second problem with this comment is she is cleaning with vinegar and baking soda. What about bleach. I think bleach has saved more lives then it's harmed. When i think of toxic substance i don't think bleach, bleach is used to clean up toxic messes. I just ask that if people are going to jump on the chemicals are bad band wagon, don't throw out the good helpful ones. Especially not the ones that make people smell better, kill germs and hold Diet Pepsi.

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