Friday, March 13, 2009

Ewww, Disney does it again

Sorry to all you Disney fans, but i don't love Disney movies. I'm not into the princesses. Ok, I lie, Cinderella and Snow White have grown on me. I despise the merchandised movies and the skewed messages they send to young girls. I won't continue this rant and just get on to what I wanted to blog about. Paige is watching The Little Mermaid and it's early on where she whines at her daddy "but I'm 16!". Now I may be in the minority here but I never realized or even thought about how old this little fish was. When I heard 16 I flashed forward to the end where she marries her beloved prince. She is 16! What kind of creepy whacked out cult is King Triton running down there where 16 year olds run off and get married? I was 29 when I got married which I realize is older than usual. I can't believe this escaped my attention for so long. Disney is icky!

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