Thursday, June 11, 2009

Time For A Post Since this Blog is Being Neglected

So I always joke about have no responsibilities when compared my mom friends. I have a job (that' only 4 days a week) Rob and the dogs. Well obviously that was to much to keep up after because Wolfgang it on the run again. It's been over a week and we still haven't found him. For as evil as that dog is I actually miss him. But losing him made me think. If i can't keep track of a 13 yr old dog maybe it's good that we don't have kids. I'd be running up and down street's with pictures going "have you seen my little boy/girl" it's embarrassing when you doing for a dog. It's gotta be way worse if you don't remember when you left you kid."And now for
something completely different." I went to my first aerial conditioning class today. Unfortunately she actually has responsibilities beyond job, rob, and now 1 dog. After all she has two kids under five, jimmy, and a house to take care of. Oh yeah and she still has 2 dogs. But back to the class. It was 2 hours long. I thought I was going to die during the first 30 minutes which was all straight cardio and ab work. Then it went into some strength training, they used those big ball thingies, the half ball thingy, a scarier more primitive version of a thigh master. shoulder shrugs hanging from the trapeze, assisted pull ups (like i could really do those without assistance). The came the funniest part of the evening. Now I was supposed to climb this silk rope (note for any one who may try this in the future - silk is slippery) so finally at one point I made it about 10 ft up a silk rope and then slid down slowly parallel to the floor until I wound up flat on my back on a crash mat. I was laughing hysterically and had to tell the overly supportive instructor that it was ok for her to laugh too because i knew that i looked like something out of a cartoon. After we completed that it was time to do a little bit of strength and technique work on the trapezes. Mostly it was a lot of was to work your abs while hanging from a bar that eventually preps you to be able to do trick easier. I don''t know about that. All i know is that it was a good workout (I'm somewhat sore already) and i had a great time doing it.
I think everyone who reads this ought to think of something they have always wanted to try. it could be kick boxing, actual boxing, yoga, mat palates (I'd stay away from the machine thing they use, Jen pointed out to me it looks like the torture device they used to use to stretch people and now I can get that out of my head) gym wheel, belly dancing, pole dancing, or zumba. Once you've found something that grabs you attention grab a buddy a give it a shot. worse thing that happens you don't like it and you won't go back. Best thing that happens you could be laughing hysterically at yourself and having a really good time!R. Thursday, June 11, 2009

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