Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Welcome to Our Blog!

Hi all, this is Kerri aka The Mom. I'm finally a blogger! This resulted due to a drunken night (on my part) hanging out with Rachel aka So Not The Mom. We were discussing an idea to begin stimulating that part of our brain that yearns to create and the other part that wants to make money. We are both good at making jewelry so we'll see where that leads us. That discussion brought us to also create a blog. This first post may be a bit lengthy so I can give you a glimpse of who we are.

So let me give you a history about the two of us that will help you understand what to expect from our blog. Rachel and I have been friends since the 5th grade and we are both now married and in our mid-30's. Gasp, we both just turned 35, oh the horror of it all. I have 2 children and Rachel has none, zero, nil, nada and would run screaming to the hills if one should show up staking claim to her uterus. Don't get me wrong though, she actually does like children, some children, very specific children, children that are not hers...and children LOVE her. I mean really identify with her and like to be around her, I think it's her childlike nature that lures them in.

We grew up on the northwest side of Chicago in a modest neighborhood. We attended private schools, Lutheran grammar school and Catholic high school (we do not discriminate). We still have many of the same friends from "back-in-the-day" (see future post regarding Facebook, the black hole to my time) and Rachel's family is like a second family to me.

Rachel is a nurse and currently works for a health care company. Hopefully she will blog later about the moronic people with whom she deals with. She has worked in many fields of nursing and actually worked with my older sister in interventional radiology at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, a department who is a nation leader in cutting-edge technology. I am now a stay-at-home-mom who previously worked for about 14 years for Heidrick & Struggles, a leading executive search firm based in Chicago. I worked in the finance department and Technology department managing the business intelligence reporting, some SEC filing information, and various other tidbits of all-knowing data. I was there when we went public and that was exciting. I also designed and developed their global reporting system. I had an office in the Sears Tower with a view of the lake. I miss those days :( I worked a bit from home as a contractor after my first child, but bad economic times hit and I haven't worked for them since their budget was cut.

Rachel and I can be very, very different people. On the surface I have dark features and she has light. I won't mention which one of us has the booty and which has the nice rack because it's a sore subject for me :) I like a shoe with a slender heel and Rachel loves platforms. Over the years I have had my hair many different cuts and colors. Rachel has had virtually the same haircut since high school but it works for her and she looks great in it.

I am gullible and trusting, she is sneaky. I won't mention how she made me think I wasn't growing taller when we were young because she would lie to me about the measurements. Kudos to her invention of "soft cement" in the 80's which she told me was being installed on her block so you wouldn't get hurt when you fell down. BTW, they actually have this stuff now as I have read an article about some other cities actually using "rubber" cement to relieve stress on the joints when walking or running.

Family-wise, as I mentioned, I have children and she does not. Rachel's parents are still married after all these years and my parents have both been married many many times. Rachel's family basically adopted me probably because I needed a place to eat :)

We lived together for several years in our early 20's and they were some of the most fun times of my life. She worked nights and I worked days. She would torment me with practical jokes, like the time I can home to a house filled with post-it notes declaring "wall" or "fridge" or whatever it was tacked to. I am OCD neat and she is definitely not. She thrives in the darkness of the night and I jump out of bed bright and cheery every morning (well, almost every morning). Rachel has the memory of an elephant, is witty and knows anything about everything. My memory seems to have slipped since having children.

I relish in all things natural and organic and she poo-poo's anything that could possibly be good for you. Rachel will drink Diet Pepsi by the gallon and actually travels with a little cooler filled with it at all times whereas I thrive on water. I enjoy cooking and baking, Rachel is NOT allowed to play with fire.

With all these differences we are the best of friends and we have a lot of common interests. We both love to do crafts, having taken a stained glass class together (again, fire bad) and are now going to take the leap into jewelry making together. We like the same books, we are both into music - Rachel is married to a musician and has played keyboard in their band. We both like to stay up late. We love chocolate (who doesn't). We both have the same moral and political views. I won't tell you what those are because I don't want to scare away any republicans reading this blog, oops, looks like I let it slip. What did you expect from an nature lover and a bleeding heart nurse?

So what you can look forward to in our blog? I'm sure I'll be blogging about stupid kid stuff and granola-muncher topics. Rachel will probably post things like the giant boar myth. You'll probably have to suffer through blog entries with more insight into who we are and things that have happened to us over the years of our friendship. I will forever be on the butt end of many of Rachel's jokes as she never ceases to tease me even now. She is a maniacal genius and I'm glad she is on my side. I'm sure all her posts will shadow mine as hers will most likely be much more witty and hilarious. Rachel can make me laugh like no other person on this earth, many times to tears.

We will do our best to give you an intelligent, informative and entertaining look at things from the mom vs so not the mom perspective. I hope you enjoy our blog and that it brings you laughter, knowledge and inspiration!

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